Mental / Emotional Health Support

  • Dr. Amanda Marshall | 441-293-7793

    Dr. Marshall is a clinical psychologist, and is well equipped to support her patients with depression, anxiety, postpartum challenges and more.

Early Childhood Development


  • Gwendolyn de la Chevotiere Creary | | cell: 519-4240 | email:
    Early childhood is defined as the period from birth to eight years old. “This is a time of remarkable growth with brain development at its peak. During this stage, children are highly influenced by the environment and the people that surround them.” Gwendolyn seeks to influence families with children at this critical time of life.

Pre & Post-natal Physical Recovery

Post-natal Mental and Emotional Health Support and Mentorship

Child-birth and Postpartum Support

  • The Doula Difference | | email:

    They are a group of experienced and certified Doulas and child-birth educators, who have collectively supported over 1000 couples. Based in Bermuda, they provide quality childbirth support. As a Doula collective, they assist their clients by providing evidence based childbirth education, empower them with their options, in person support during labor, and more. They believe that an empowered birth can be transformative for your family.

  • The Well | | email:

    The Well is a trusted maternal health resource that aggregates care, community, and education all in one place. Its mission is to empower every woman in Bermuda and beyond about their reproductive health + abilities through earlier and easier access to the most important information, powerfully and sustainably. Its vision is to reduce anxieties and provide support around the planning, pregnancy and postpartum stages of a woman’s life.